Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bembridge House - Going back to 1943

We got to see the BEMBRIDGE House. It is a QUEEN ANNE style house that was built around the turn of the Century, across from Drake Park. The park was originally called Knoll Park. It is still in the original condition after the last remodel around the 1930's. Dorothy Rankin-Bembridge lived in this house until her death in 1999. She was 89 years old.

We stopped by the house, and saw the Westfall's. (below) They told us that they almost bought the house after it was given to BIOLA University, who didn't really know what do to with it. The house was almost destroyed because people wanted to build other homes there, or to incorporate it into the park...glad they saved the beautiful house. Its a tribute to days gone by, and to an era where homes reflected character....We sat on the veranda as we waited our turn for the tour.

This is in the entrance way, and all the furniture is from Dorothy's family. The pieces were all left in her house as it was when she lived there. Apparently, she was murdered in 1999 by a homeless man that she had given odd jobs to....sad story, but still the house is beautiful!

The Carriage house was build just behind the house, and used to house the carriage and horses. There is a victory garden to the left and behind the Carriage house. They served tart lemonade and apple cider as there was a sugar ration in 1943 during the War....(WWII)

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