Monday, June 23, 2014

leaving Friday....

It's been a few stressful months..
we've been busy cleaning out my mom's house, and saying goodbye to lots of things...memories, and life as we knew it.  Mom is still in the valley but living in assisted living.  It's not the same, she's changed, but she's fighting her way in life. 
Today, (sunday) we drove to the valley, and Tori noted that she's going to miss this area. Even though she's never lived in the valley, this is our last link to the valley for OUR family.  Yes, we still have family and friends who live in the valley, and we will still continue to live in the valley...but soon, we will move mom closer to us, and the valley will just be another place we drive through.  NO more family to visit or stay over, no mom to pick up and take her to the doctor and travel back to home for 2 hours each way.

Friday has been the crazy scary vodoo -like statue -eyes light up- and guardian of mom's house is staying behind for the estate sale. 

We didn't take him.

No more peeking out the window!
No more scaring little kids as they walk by (or adults)..and no more scaring as we go to the bathroom...**(inside the house)...

 He's a character.....
even down to his necklace of teeth....(cow teeth? I have no idea)

btw, I cried when Tori said she's going to miss the valley..and the realization that I will no longer have a connection....
55 years...!

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