Sunday, August 19, 2007

Los Angeles Tofu Festival August 18-19

Welcome to the LA 2007 Tofu Festival!
It was a hot day in Downtown LA, and it was crowded...I did hear complaints, but, I hope it was good overall.
Uncle Yosh said it might be the last year that they will have it.
The Lot that they were having it in, was being torn up for a high rise rental/condo/apartment complex and the businesses were not happy that the streets surrounding their businesses were block from traffic. (it is a pain to drive around there anyways, but I didn't see it as a problem!)

It was hot, and no where to sit down and relax this time like in previous years. It also helps that the Nisei week is around the same time, and that tonight is the week is Nisei week celebrations.....
I hope the Tofu Festival goes on next year.....
If you are interested, write to them and tell them you want it to continue!

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